A-Level & GCSE English Tuition

Further Education

A-Level English Literature is a highly valued qualification by universities and often required


A grade 4 or above in English Language is a minimum requirement for most further education courses.


The majority of University courses look for high standards in GCSE English for enrolment.


English Language skills are transferable to other subjects and impacts every area of our day-to-day lives.

What We Teach

We build a strong foundation in spelling, punctuation and grammar. This runs alongside the focus on reading a broad range of texts including fiction and non-fiction, poetry, and twentieth century classics.

In addition, we put an emphasis on writing skills, especially creative and persuasive writing as well as writing for a specific audience and purpose. Developing student's ability to evaluate the language used by a writer is a complex skill that we also focus on.

At Key stage 4, our English sessions are a blend of English language and English Literature; this prepares them to meet the demands of the GCSE exams. 

Trinity Tuition Colchester After School Tuition - english icon

Key Benefits

In English, each child will receive a writing piece of work to complete every week,
ensuring that they utilise the full repertoire of literacy devices they are taught.









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English, Mathematics and Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)